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South Piedmont Community College Archives: 2010s

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History from 2010's

Dr. John McKay, second president of SPCC retired on June 30, 2011. Dr. Stanley M. Sidor became the third president of SPCC on July 1, 2011.

The Aerospace and Advanced Manufacturing Training Center was relocated to a new building in 2012. $3.5 million was received from Union County for purchase of the Bealer Building at 3509 Old Charlotte Highway, Monroe. This facility was ultimately renamed the Tyson Center for Technology. After a site visit in October of 2012, SPCC received a perfect reaccreditation report from the SACS onsite team. SPCC also added a disc golf course on the Old Charlotte Highway Campus in 2012.

In 2016, Dr. Sidor stepped down from his roll as President to move into a similar roll at a different community college. As the school searched for the next person to fill the permanent roll of President at SPCC, Joyce Long served as Interim President in February of 2016, followed by Dr. Jerry McGee from March-December of 2016. In November 2016, the Union County Bond was passed, which awarded SPCC $4.2. The funds were set to be utilized for the construction of the STEM building on the OCH Campus (now called the Main Building), a Union West Campus, and other renovations. 

Dr. Maria Pharr became the fourth president of SPCC on January 1st, 2017. 

Ground breaking for the "STEM" Building took place on Friday, November 16th 2018 on the OCH Campus in Monroe. 

On February 5th 2019, renovations to the Tyson Center began.