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High Impact Practices (HIPS)

LibGuide to explain and illustrate the different HIPS programs at South Piedmont Community College

SPCC Academic Enrichment Programs


  • With SP Global, study the world at home or abroad in globally focused college courses. You will engage in intercultural and international events on campus and in the community.


North Carolina Global Distinction Program

North Carolina Global Distinction Program

This initiative is a partnership between N.C. Community Colleges and UNC Worldview, an organization that provides global resources and education to K-12 and community college faculty. World View’s goal is to “…prepare students to engage in our interconnected and diverse world’, so they have partnered with community colleges to form the distinction program. The Global Distinction initiative includes resources and instruction for globalizing courses and the N.C. Scholar of Distinction Program, which offers students the opportunity to earn a credential that documents their global learning.