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Here you will find resources relevant to your ENG classes.


Welcome to your English Subject Guide! Here you will find many English resources, including books, eBooks, databases & articles, as well as various multimedia. In addition, this guide contains resources pertaining to careers, web resources, & research assistance. 

Check out these Course Guides for more specific resources and information: 

Catalog Search


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Grammarly is a cloud-based assistant that can help users improve their grammar, sentence structure, spelling and repetitive language.

All English students at SPCC have access to a Grammarly account. Log into with your SPCC email and password.

If you have any issues, please contact Amanda Winfrey at

Grammarly is an acceptable form of AI to use for your course work because it is non-generative. Consult SPCC's AI LibGuide below for more information on when AI is and is not appropriate in the class room! 

SPCC Information

Chart with the opening and closing hours of the South Piedmont libraries.

To access a librarian virtually, click on and type your question in the Ask a Librarian box.