Welcome to your English Subject Guide! Here you will find many English resources, including books, eBooks, databases & articles, as well as various multimedia. In addition, this guide contains resources pertaining to careers, web resources, & research assistance.
Check out these Course Guides for more specific resources and information:
Grammarly is a cloud-based assistant that can help users improve their grammar, sentence structure, spelling and repetitive language.
All English students at SPCC have access to a Grammarly account. Log into grammarly.com with your SPCC email and password.
If you have any issues, please contact Amanda Winfrey at awinfrey@spcc.edu.
Grammarly is an acceptable form of AI to use for your course work because it is non-generative. Consult SPCC's AI LibGuide below for more information on when AI is and is not appropriate in the class room!
To access a librarian virtually, click on https://spcc.libguides.com/contact-us and type your question in the Ask a Librarian box.