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Information & Media Literacy QEP

About QEP

QEP stands for quality enhancement plan. This QEP is designed to increase students’ information, data, and digital literacy skills, ultimately increasing their workplace readiness as well as their appreciation for life-long learning. Through this QEP we will prepare students for success in and out of the classroom, armed with skills today’s employers require. It’s not enough anymore just to have “book knowledge.” Instead, today’s employers need employees who can retrieve information in many formats, can discern patterns and connections, can explore an issue deeply, can make valid judgments regarding information, and who can apply those skills in order to solve problems.

Scope & Implementation

This QEP involves all disciplines at SPCC by building on instruction in the classroom and providing students with projects that will embed information literacy skills in every area of their life.  SPCC graduates with strong information literacy skills will move into the future with an ability to manage information rather than letting information overload control them; they may find more fulfillment in their careers, and they may develop an appreciation for knowledge that will last throughout their lives. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to initiate research and determine what knowledge is required.
  2. Students will be able to find needed information using appropriate methodology. 
  3. Students will be able to critique the credibility of selected sources.
  4. Students will be able to analyze information critically.
  5. Students will be able to write about and present what they gleaned from their research and respond to feedback.