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South Piedmont Libraries

Revisiting LibGuides: Strengthening Instruction & Student Success

star trek officers in uniformdefinition of uniform: consistent in conduct or opinion


Prime Directive

Uniformly constructed LibGuides, focused on accessibility, provide consistency & inclusivity for students, faculty & librarians which fosters efficient utilization of LibGuides for instruction purposes, and effective use of resources provided within LibGuides.



  • Consistent LibGuide construction
    • Unpublish antiquated &/or redundant guides
    • Create step-by-step LibGuide construction procedures
    • Consistent terminology
      • Find eBooks, Find Multimedia, etc.
      • Easier for students to locate & utilize resources as they'll know which tab to look under
    • Consistent tab arrangement
      • Welcome, Find Books, etc.
      • All guides have course specific Welcome tab, & generic Careers & Research Assistance tabs 
      • Easier for students to navigate across departments
        • Math LibGuide, English LibGuide...they all read the same
      • Less stressful for students who get overwhelmed when navigation of online resources varies too much
      • Customize with additional tabs, not additional guides
        • No more ENG 111-Clark, ENG 111-Glauner, etc.
        • Avoids confusion for students
        • Lessens LibGuide clean up time for librarians as instructors come & go
      • Streamline tabs
        • assignments
    • Consistent Appearance
      • Side-Nav
      • Rounded boxes & tabs
      • Gallery boxes
        • showcases large amount of books in small amount of space
        • book images link to print book in online catalog or eBook in database
      • Increased use of images of value
        • breaks up text
        • visual cues denote links
          • film, podcast, website, etc.
      • Page construction
        • avoid long pages
        • use boxes to chunk content
    • Consistent Instruction
      • IL 101 inside ENG 111 LibGuide
        • Allows for consistent IL instruction
        • IL assignments embedded in guide provide tools for instruction librarian to engage students in-class or virtually
        • Easily accessible IL assignments allow students to complete in a synchronous or asynchronous fashion


ADA Compliance (American Disabilities Act)

  • Closed Caption
    • Ensure all video has closed captions
  • Alternative Text
    • Add meaningful description for images when void of copy providing context
    • Add alt text for links & books from catalogs as well
  • Remove images without value
    • Creates issues for visually impaired as well as mobile users
  • Utilize content boxes, bulleted lists & links
    • Breaks up content into manageable chunks, ensuring content is easier to read & resources are more accessible
  • Utilize default font styles & color schemes. allowing for contrast from background color
    • Assists those with visual impairments
  • Springshare is on the case!
    • nesting? gallery boxes? side-nav vs. tab?
      • "As far as our testing to date has indicated, LibGuides and its features are fully accessible according to VPAT guidelines."
        • The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a document which evaluates how accessible a particular product is according to the Section 508 Standards.
          • Section 508 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act
            • amendment which strengthened requirements for access to electronic and information technology in the Federal sector