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Myth & Mythology Resources: eBooks

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Batman Unauthorized : Vigilantes, Jokers, and Heroes in Gotham City

Celtic Mythology

A Dictionary of African Mythology: The Mythmaker as Storyteller

Digital Culture, Play, and Identity: A World of Warcraft® Reader

The Encyclopedia of Vampires & Werewolves

Fantastic Worlds : Myths, Tales, and Stories

From Demons to Dracula : The Creation of the Modern Vampire Myth

From Asgard to Valhalla : The Remarkable History of the Norse Myths

Heroism in the Harry Potter Series

Frontier Figures: American Music and the Mythology of the American West

Heroes and Villains

An Illustrated Guide to Korean Mythology

Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors : Superwomen in Modern Mythology

Lake Monster Mysteries : Investigating the World's Most Elusive Creatures

The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy

Literature and Film as Modern Mythology

The Lincoln Assassination : Crime and Punishment, Myth and Memory

Living with Star Trek: American Culture and the 'Star Trek' Universe

Martin Luther King's Biblical Epic : His Final, Great Speech

Myths of Ancient Mexico

Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians

Our Hero: Superman on Earth

The Oxford Companion to World Mythology

On Monsters : An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears

Return of the Heroes: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Social Conflict (Second Edition)

Unauthorized X-Men : SF and Comic Writers on Mutants, Prejudice, and Adamantium

The Warcraft Civilization: Social Science in a Virtual World

Wise Women: Folk and Fairy Tales From Around the World

Wonder Woman Unbound: The Curious History of the World's Most Famous Heroine

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