When searching for articles about the Civil War in the database ProQuest Central, try searching for 'american civil war, 1861-1865' so that you will not pull up articles on civil wars in other parts of the world.
If you would like to search for a specific person, try: Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, William T. Sherman and Stonewall Jackson
Combine search terms to get more specific results such as 'american civil war and medicine', 'american civil war and battles', 'american civil war and clothing', 'american civil war and women'.
Films on Demand has videos about different aspects of the American Civil War. When you find a film, you may click on the title and then look at the Segments tab to find certain points of the video that pertain to your search. The Transcript tab will allow you to read the text of the film and the Related tab will pull up a list of films with related topics, to which you may easily link.
U.S. History in Context is a historical database that has a lot of information about the Civil War. Searches may be specific such as, 'civil war artifacts' and 'civil war ended', however you may also do a general search for 'civil war'. You will find academic journals, primary sources and quality websites that should be helpful for your projects.
For this assignment, the class will create a "virtual" Civil War museum.
Each student has been assigned a person/place/event to research. (Your instructor will provide you with your individual assignment.) You are to research your assigned topic, and then post your report as a reply to this thread, answering the following questions: